But why do we send cards?

We all know that sending a card is a thoughtful gesture.  We know it makes the receiver smile when they get a card through in the mailbox, to think that someone has taken the time to choose and write a thoughtful note just for them. Plus, it makes us, the sender smile too knowing we’re going to brighten someone’s day.

But why do we send cards? 

We send cards for many reasons.  Besides the usual occasions like birthday, wedding, new baby or Christmas, there are so many reasons where sending a card means something more.

Rekindle Relationships

Learning to rekindle a relationship can be hard.  Whether it’s your spouse, your parents, your siblings, or a friend. It takes time and effort to sustain a healthy relationship, but reconnection can happen.  Sending a card to someone to maybe break the ice or just to say hello if you’ve not spoken for a while can make such a difference to two people’s lives.  You may find that a simple gesture like a piece of card with a few words on can re-cultivate a relationship that maybe you have lost touch with and will open a rich part of your life you didn’t know you were missing.

Broken Hearts

Broken hearts are a real thing, I’m sure a few of us have had one at some point in our lives, and our friends and family have them too.   A broken heart is a neurological emotional pain we get as a result of something happening in our lives that brings us nothing but sadness. A broken heart can’t be easily fixed, it needs time. Time to grieve, time to reassess, time to rebuild, time to move on.  But what can help someone with a broken heart is support.  This person may not want to see anyone or talk about it, they may want to be left alone but sending them a card to let them know someone’s thinking of them will be sure to send a little love and positivity their way.

Bring you closer

The pandemic has shown us how important it is to stay connected.  We must always try to keep in touch and keep our relationships healthy with an emotional connection.  If your family and friends are far away, or even if they are close, sending a card will also send smiles and love. A simple message of hello or I miss you, certainly something funny will bring a smile to their face and to their hearts, and to yours too.  Knowing your thinking of them will mean so much.


We all need support at some point in our lives, multiple times.  Stuff happens, stuff we don’t see coming and when that occurs, we need support.  If you can’t physically be there for someone, or maybe you don’t want to intrude on their time as they deal with the situation they are in, sending a card to offer support can mean so much.  Just knowing someone is thinking of you and has your back is sometimes enough to get you through the day.

Make a smile

Yes!  One of my favourite things to do!  We of course send cards on occasions but sometimes, its nice to send a card just because.  Say thank you to someone your grateful too, wish someone the best of luck for what’s ahead, say hello to someone you’ve not spoken to for a while and maybe just to cheeky card to remind someone how much they mean to you.  There doesn’t have to be a special day to make a smile, we should make them often! 

Touch a heart

Sending a card to someone will always touch their heart.  A little pang of love knowing that someone cares enough to buy, write, and post or deliver a card.  Maybe it’s their birthday, maybe they’ve just passed an exam, maybe they’ve had a baby, or they are going through something tough.  A simple piece of card with a heartfelt message really can make such a difference to a person’s mindset, and heart.

Check out the full range of cards online and choose the ones you know will make your loved one’s smile, on the outside and the inside.

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